Let's find Okinawa's "fun" and "delicious" from here

Okashigoten Blog


June XNUMX "Day of Memorial Service"

Yesterday, June XNUMXrd was Memorial Day.

Memorial Day is XNUMX years ago during World War II.

It marks the end of organized fighting in Okinawa.

Okinawa, which was a ground battle, includes Okinawan citizens, Japanese soldiers, and American soldiers

XNUMX precious lives were sacrificed.

A war that should never happen again.

And don't forget what happened

On this day, memorial services are held all over Okinawa.

Also, when noon approaches, announcements will be made

Flowing from each municipality, everyone will do a silent prayer at the same time.

I had the day off from work yesterday

I prayed with my aunt.

My grandmother was XNUMX at the time.

My aunt and mother were victims of the war.

At that time, there was no means of obtaining information

Not knowing that the war was over, he hid himself in the mountains even after July.

With tears in his eyes, he told me that he had suffered a lot from hunger.

Stories about aunts, TV specials, etc.

Yesterday, I once again felt the importance of peace,

It's been a day to think.


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