[Chance to buy for real 0 yen! ? 】 Red sweet potato tart-style biscuit for dogs


Sweets palace officialYahoo!shoppingso,for a good trial Of[Red sweet potato tart-style biscuit for dogs]We are selling.


Red sweet potato tart-style biscuit for dogs ②


For dogs - red sweet potato tart biscuit ①



Whew, it's still Yahoo! By registering as a member without a JAPAN card,Really 0 yenYou can purchase it at (Yahoo!からThere is a gift of 3,000 T points)


If the above does not apply,Kuroneko DM flight(postage included)We will deliver it atTrial product is 500 yen (tax included)can be purchased at


Product purchase link please use this form.


Take this opportunity to reward your dog with delicious treats♪

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