Halloween arrangement recipe | Arrange sweets and enjoy Halloween!


Arrange sweets from Okashigoten to liven up your Halloween party

It's a little difficult to make sweets from scratch to enjoy Halloween, but by arranging the sweets from Okashigoten a little, you can quickly turn them into Halloween-style monsters.Please try to make a cute but scary Halloween arrangement!


Halloween arrangement recipe using the original red sweet potato tart and sweet potato tart


🎃 Red Potato Zombie Tart

Red potato tart zombies marching with Zorozoro.
The figure that tends to walk down is also a point.
[What you want] Choco pen, almond slice
[How to make] Cut the original red sweet potato tart (potato tart) in two and draw a face with a chocolate pen.The hands are expressed with almond slices.

🎃Eyeball Tart

The popular Halloween arrangement “eyeball” is also topped on the original red sweet potato tart (potato tart).An eerie tart studded with goyorori and eyeballs.
[Something to do] Chocolate pen marshmallow
[How to make] Draw an eyeball in the desired position of the original red sweet potato tart (potato tart).The eyeball is expressed with a black chocolate pen on top of a white chocolate pen.

🎃 Red Potato Tart Monster

Full volume!creepy laughing halloween monster
[Something to do] Choco Pen
[How to make] Layer two original red sweet potato tarts (potato tarts) and draw a face with a chocolate pen.

Halloween arrangement recipe using brown sugar chocolate melt

🎃 Melting mummy (above)

Brown sugar and melty chocolate inside the mummy
[Something to do] Chocolate pen sliced ​​cheese
[How to make] Wrap the sliced ​​cheese around the brown sugar chocolate melt and draw eyes with a chocolate pen.

🎃 Melting Skull (bottom)

Lovely skulls rolling around
[Something to do] Choco Pen
[How to make] Draw a face with a chocolate pen on the brown sugar chocolate melt.

Halloween arrangement recipe using tropical browned pineapple

🎃 Tropical Ghosts

Cheerful tropical ghosts with cute faces and juicy insides.He/she enlivens Halloween with various expressions.
[Something to do] Choco Pen
[How to make] Draw a face on a tropical brown pineapple with a chocolate pen.Make expressive ghosts.

Halloween arrangement recipe using almond chocolate sandwich

🎃 Almond Chocolate Sand Ghost (Top)

Crazy ghosts with chocolate sandwiches.
[What you want] Choco pen, almond slice
[How to make] Draw a face and hat on the almond chocolate sandwich with a chocolate pen.Hands are expressed with almond slices.

🎃Almond Chocolate Sand ~Spider's Web~ (Bottom)

Spiders crawling on sand are perfect for Halloween parties!
[Something to do] Choco Pen
[How to] Draw spiders and spider webs on the almond chocolate sandwich with a chocolate pen.


We hope that you will enjoy Halloween with the Halloween arrangement recipes that use the sweets from Okashigoten introduced this time.

If you try it or make an original arrangement, be sure to post it on social media with #Okashigoten and boast about it.

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