Kokusaidori Kumoji store relocated and opened

On January 2022, 1, the Kokusai-dori Mutsumibashi store will relocate and open as the Kokusai-dori Kumoji store.
In 2006, "Kokusai-dori Mutsumibashi" was the 3rd store on Kokusai-dori, which was loved by many people. We will continue to devote ourselves to all the staff, so please continue to support us.

Okashigoten Kokusai Street Kumoji Store
Move date:2022 years 1 month 27 day (Thursday)
Address: 900-0015-3 Kumoji, Naha City, Okinawa Prefecture 5-1
TEL & FAX: 098-951-2251
Business hours 9:00-22:00 (* Shortened business 10:00-21:00 for the time being)
Closed: Open all year round

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