Let's find Okinawa's "fun" and "delicious" from here

Okashigoten Blog


everything from health

Bright sunshine and a gentle breeze
It seems to be "spring" these days (^▽^)

Tomorrow is the vernal equinox

In the world, it's about time to start something new, invited by the cheerfulness of spring!
I think it's the season when there are many people who decide to
This is the trend around me right now!

Healthy tea of ​​Okinawa

Kumisukuchin tea
Kuwancha tea
guava tea
Jerusalem artichoke tea
Sanpin tea, etc.

Recently, if you notice, the hot water supply room is full of healthy tea (^ ^)
Guava and kumisukuchin are famous medicinal herbs in Okinawa.
Jerusalem artichoke tea seems to be a plant that has been in Okinawa for a long time.

All teas seem to have different effects.
Diet, constipation, good sleep, recovery from fatigue, beautiful skin, etc.

The taste is, after all, all a little unique (laughs)


Bitter tea makes me want sweet snacks (>▽<)♪
So today's snack is baked donuts☆
The efficacy of the diet is probably plus or minus zero.


* Is a required item.


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