Children's Cake Design Contest 2019 Award Ceremony

*The Ryukyu Shimpo article was added on May 2019, 5.


On April 4th, the award ceremony for the "Children's Cake Design Contest 27" was held.
The three children who won the Grand Prix and their families were present to announce the award-winning works.
The pastry chef made a real cake from the original cake that was drawn and presented it.



Published on May 2019, 5, Ryukyu Shimpo


Web version



False) 1st "Children's Cake Design Contest 2019"

Correct) 2nd "Children's Cake Design Contest 2019"


"Okinawa My Profile Cake"
Mika Kawamitsu (12 years old)

[Reason for selection] I felt a strong love for Okinawa with a cake that introduced myself to Okinawa.As a sweets shop that makes Okinawan souvenirs, Mika-san said, "I want to convey the goodness of Okinawa."


"After the rain cake"
Hana Nakaema (11 years old)

[Reason for selection] "Rain" is very important, but it is often taken negatively.I thought this cake would make you think, "Rain is fun!?"

"Ichigo Shobosha Cake"
Aoi Nakamura (3 years old)

[Reason for selection] I really liked the idea of ​​spreading the red color of my favorite strawberries as if it were a fire truck.I thought that the idea of ​​using the color of the material itself is the same as the "feelings for the material" that we have been sticking to since we made the red sweet potato tart.



From May 5st, the Grand Prix works will be available for order for a limited time at Okashigoten's Western confectionery specialty store, "Kashi Kobo Kiki Oki Store". What do you think?

"Okinawa My Profile Cake"

5,400 yen including tax


"After the rain cake"

5,400 yen including tax


"Ichigo Shobosha Cake"

6,200 yen including tax


Kashi Kobo Kiki Oki


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